2017 Small World In Motion Competition

Top 20
Honorable Mentions
Dr. Robert D. Goldman
Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology Northwestern University School of Medicine

Robert D. Goldman, Ph.D., is the Stephen Walter Ranson Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. He is an Associate Editor of The FASEB Journal, Molecular Biology of the Cell, Bioarchitecture and is a member of numerous other editorial boards. Together with Tom Pollard of Yale University he recently edited “The Cytoskeleton”, a comprehensive treatise on the three cytoskeletal systems.
Dr. Goldman is a highly regarded authority on the structure and function of the intermediate filament cytoskeleton and the nuclear lamins. He has published over 270 scientific articles and has edited numerous books and lab manuals. His laboratory has done much of the basic research on both nuclear and cytoplasmic forms of intermediate filament proteins.
Dr. Goldman’s work has earned him a number of honors and awards, including the prestigious Ellison Foundation Senior Scholar Award and a MERIT award from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. Dr. Goldman is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Fellow of the Finnish Society for Sciences and Letters and an inaugural Fellow of the American Society for Cell Biology. He has served on review committees for the American Cancer Society and the NIH. He has also served as President of the American Association of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Neuroscience Chairpersons, President of the American Society for Cell Biology and is a past member of the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Goldman founded and for many years directed the Science Writers Hands On Laboratory at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA., and also served for many years on the MBL Board of Trustees, as Director of the MBL’s Physiology Course and as Director of the MBL’s Whitman Research Center.
Dr. Clare Waterman
Distinguished Investigator at the Laboratory of Cell and Tissue Morphodynamics National Institute of Health (NIH)

Clare M. Waterman, Ph.D. is a Distinguished Investigator, Chief of the Laboratory of Cell and Tissue Morphodynamics, and Director of the Cell Biology and Physiology Center at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. She is a cell biologist who has made seminal contributions to understanding the role of the cytoskeleton in cell migration. Cell migration is critical to development, immune response, and tissue maintenance, and is compromised in disease and metastatic cancer. Dr. Waterman pioneered the invention and application of novel quantitative and super-resolution light microscopy methods. She utilized these tools to reveal the architectural blueprint and dynamics of protein-based nano-machines that self-assemble in cells to generate, organize, and transmit the forces that drive cell movement, and she defined molecular pathways governing the orchestration of these protein machines in space and time. This unique and innovative body of work constitutes a major advance in knowledge of the molecular and biophysical basis of cell movement.
Dr. Waterman has received numerous awards and honors, including the Sackler International prize in Biophysics, the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, and the Arthur S. Flemming Award for Public Service. She currently serves on the editorial boards of eLife, Current Biology and Journal of Microscopy.
Robert Krulwich
Co-Host of Radiolab and Science Correspondent NPR

Robert Krulwich is co-host of Radiolab, WNYC’s Peabody Award-winning program about “big ideas” now one of public radio’s most popular shows. It is carried on more than 500 radio stations and its podcasts are downloaded over 7 million times each month.
For 22 years, Krulwich worked on television covering science, economics, war and technology at ABC, CBS and PBS. He is well known for his experimental style, pioneering animation on ABC’s Nightline and World News Tonight, using dancers to illustrate hard-to-fathom economic stories at CBS; he explored the structure of DNA using a banana on PBS’ Nova, and on NPR, he created an Italian opera, Ratto Interesso to explain how the Federal Reserve regulates interest rates; The New York Times described him a “a storied figure in public radio history.” TV Guide described him as “the most inventive network reporter in television.”
He has won 2 Peabody Awards, and Emmy awards for a cultural history of Barbie, the world famous doll, for a Frontline investigation of computers and privacy, a George Polk and an Emmy for a look at the Savings & Loan bailout, and the 2010 Essay Prize from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Krulwich also won the AAAS Science Journalism Award for a 2001 a NOVA Special, Cracking the Code of Life, The Extraordinary Communicator Award from the National Cancer Institute, and an Alfred I. Dupont-Columbia Award.
Dave Mosher
Science & Technology Correspondent Business Insider

Dave Mosher is a science and technology correspondent at Business Insider with more than a decade of digital, print, video, and photo journalism experience. He has watched humans and robots rocket into space, toured nuclear reactor facilities, chased a total solar eclipse over the North Pole, and donated his fecal microbiome to researchers, among other reporting adventures.
Previously, Mosher led Popular Science’s website, was a contributor to Wired and has also contributed to Scientific American, Popular Mechanics, Discover, Space.com, National Geographic News, Discovery Channel, and other outlets.
He graduated from Ohio State University in 2006 with a degree in Biological Sciences and Journalism.