Frequently Asked Questions

What is Nikon Small World?
Nikon Small World is the world’s preeminent photographic competition for images TAKEN THROUGH THE MICROSCOPE. It is comprised of 2 separate contests, Nikon Small World and Nikon Small World in Motion (sometimes referred to as SWIM). Nikon Small World is for STILL images taken through a microscope and Small World in Motion is for movies, time-lapse movies also taken through a light microscope.
Who can enter?
The contest is open to anyone over the age of 18 years who is not an employee of Nikon, their agencies, affiliates or any competing microscope or camera manufacturers.
What can I win?
Top prize is $3,000 for each top winner in Nikon Small World AND Nikon Small World in Motion. Additional prizes are awarded to top 20, Honorable Mention and Images of Distinction for Small World and Top 5 and Honorable mentions for Small World in Motion.
What can I enter?
Nikon Small World is open for all STILL images taken using a light microscope (sorry, Electron microscope and Macro images are not eligible). Nikon Small World in Motion is open to all movies, time-lapse micrographs taken through a light microscope.
Can I enter and win both Nikon Small World and Nikon Small World in Motion?
Yes. Nikon Small World and SWIM are separate contests with separate judging and prizes. You can enter 3 still images in Nikon Small World and 3 movies in the Nikon Small World in Motion (SWIM) Competition. Because they are judged separately and have separate prizes, it is possible to win in BOTH competitions.
Who picks the winners?
A judging panel comprised of an independent group of between 4 and 5 individuals with varying areas of expertise in imaging, science and scientific communications. The judges are chosen by Nikon and Nikon has people on hand at the judging mainly to assure eligibility/rules compliance, and to provide any support our judges may need in the process.
Do I have to use Nikon Equipment?
No. This competition is open to images taken with any type of microscope or camera equipment as long as it complies with the established rules. (see Small World and SWIM rules). The judges are not given the brand information unless specifically requested and have been instructed not to use the camera/microscope brand in consideration for placement in the competition.
Who owns the rights to my image?
You do. Nikon only requests an image release from those who have won (Top 20, Honorable Mention or Image of Distinction). The release grants Nikon unrestricted permission to use the imagery with relation to the competition however, Nikon does NOT own copyright and you are free to use the image for other purposes at your choosing. We do ask that you do not use the image for any other contests however.
Do I get anything for entering?
Yes, all qualified entrants will receive a Nikon Small World Calendar.
Why would I set up an account with Nikon when entering?
When you enter the Nikon Small World and Nikon Small World in Motion contests you will be given the opportunity to set up an account with Nikon Small World. Although this is not necessary to enter and win, it can be helpful for you in a number of ways. Once your account has been set up, your entries are kept and you have full access to them throughout the year. The deadline for entries is April 30th however, if you have entered earlier, you can at any time up to the deadline, return to your account and modify or even switch your entry. So, if you capture the perfect image to enter, you can go in to your account and switch your entry even though you have already entered. By having an account you will also receive pertinent information on the competition and reminders for various deadlines throughout the year.
What does Nikon do with my information on my account?
Nikon and Nikon Small World takes your personal information and privacy seriously. Nikon uses the information on your account for the purpose of administering the competition including judging of the imagery, communicating pertinent information regarding the contest and reminders of deadlines. There are a small number of third party companies that have been contracted to help with the administration of the competition who may at times utilize this information, however ONLY for the purpose of administering the contest as required by Nikon. If the image is chosen as a winner, the affidavit you are asked to sign will provide detailed information regarding what information will be used as part of your winning status.