1997 Photomicrography Competition

Top 20
Honorable Mentions
Kenneth Charles Moore, Ph.D.
Director of the Central Microscopy Research and Learning Facility University of Iowa
Kenneth Charles Moore is the director of Central Microscopy Research and Learning Facility at the University of Iowa. He is the author of numerous published articles and has conducted seminars and workshops on microscopy applications in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Japan and China. He is a member of the Microscopy Society of America, the Iowa Microscopy Society and Sigma Xi.
William R. West, FBPA
Biological Photographer Carolina Biological Supply Company
William West is the biological photographer at Carolina Biological Supply Company in Burlington, North Carolina. His articles and photos have been published in dozens of magazines, calendars, text-books, educational media and other publications, and he has received more than 40 awards and citations in national and international photographic competitions (including Small World).
Joseph G. Barabe
Director of Scientific Imaging McCrone Associates
Joseph Barabe is Director of Scientific Imaging at McCrone Associates. He has received various awards in professional salons of the Biological Photographic Association. He was most recently awarded the Charles Foster Memorial Citation for best color photomicrograph (1995). He is the author of numerous publications.
Martin L. Scott, FBPA, AIMI
Scientific Imaging Consultant
Martin Scott is a consultant in scientific imaging technology. The former director of Scientific Imaging Markets at the Eastman Kodak Company, he also lectured extensively on photomicrography. He is a past president of the Biological Photographic Association and a member of nine microscopical societies.