1994 Photomicrography Competition

Top 20
Honorable Mentions
Nancy L. Kedersha, Ph.D.
Research Scientist Immunogen, Inc.
Nancy Kedersha is a research scientist at Immunogen, Inc., in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She has published dozens of articles on topics in cell biology, and her photos of cancer cells have won numerous prestigious international awards. Her work has been the subject of feature articles in several national and international magazines.
Michael W. Davidson
Research Scientist, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Florida State University
Michael Davidson is a research scientist with the optical and scanning probe microscopy facilities at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) at Florida State University in Tallahassee. His interests include liquid crystallinity in biological systems and interactions of drug molecules with DNA. His photomicrographs have appeared on the covers of over 300 scientific and trade periodicals and books. Mr. Davidson is also a two-time top ten Small World winner, placing 9th in both 1987 and 1990.
William R. West, FBPA
Head of the Biological Photography Department Carolina Biological Supply Company
William West is head of the Biological Photography Department of the Carolina Biological Supply Company in Burlington, North Carolina. A renowned photographer and photomicrographer, his articles and photos have been published in dozens of magazine, calendars, textbooks and other publications. He is currently collaborating on laser disc biology encyclopedias and several CD-ROM programs. Mr. West has also been a frequent Small World winner.
Martin L. Scott, FBPA, AIMI
Scientific Imaging Consultant
Martin Scott is a consultant in scientific imaging technology. The former director of Scientific Imaging Markets at the Eastman Kodak Company, he also lectured extensively on photomicrography. He is a past president of the Biological Photographic Association and a member of nine microscopical societies.