2009 Photomicrography Competition

Top 20
Honorable Mentions
Images of Distinction
Gary G. Borisy, Ph.D.
Director and CEO
Marine Biological Laboratory

Gary Borisy, Ph.D., is the Director and CEO of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Dr. Borisy became the laboratory’s 13th Director and 3rd CEO in 2006. At various times throughout his career, he has spent time at the MBL, conducting research; collaborating with scientists; and participating in some of their summer educational programs.
Dr. Borisy received his B.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and served as a postdoctoral fellowship at the MRC in Cambridge, England. He is the author of more than 200 papers, the editor of two books, and has received numerous professional honors, including an NIH Merit award and the Carl Zeiss award from the German Society for Cell Biology. He has served as president of the American Society for Cell Biology and is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
Charles Krebs

A native New Yorker now living in Washington state, Charles Krebs has been a free-lance photographer since 1979. In 2004, aware of the potential of digital imaging applied toward photomicrography, he set up the first microscope he’s used since childhood. Photomicrography quickly became his passion. The use of some innovative software products for extended depth-of-field techniques has allowed the creation of certain types of images that he could only dream of five years ago. Mr. Krebs has done assignments for, and been published in numerous magazines including Audubon, Discover, Smithsonian, Natural History Magazine, National Wildlife, National Geographic, and Outdoor Photographer, among others. His credits also include the books Seattle and Portrait of Seattle. An active participant in the Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition since 2004, he has been a winner multiple times, including first place in 2005.
Jamie Shreeve
Science Editor
National Geographic

James (Jamie) Shreeve is the science editor at National Geographic. Before joining the magazine staff in 2006, he was a freelance science writer and author. His books include The Genome War, The Neandertal Enigma: Solving the Mystery of Modern Human Origins, Lucy’s Child: The Discovery of a Human Ancestor and Nature: The Other Earthlings, the companion volume to the public television series.
In the 1980’s Mr. Shreeve was Public Information Director at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. While at the MBL, Mr. Shreeve was founder and editor of MBL Science, a magazine for general readers, and was the founding director of the MBL Science Writing Fellowship Program. He has been awarded fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Alicia Patterson Foundation, and the Knight Foundation.
Clive Thompson
Science & Technology Journalist
Collision Detection

Clive Thompson is journalist who covers science and technology. He is a contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine, Fast Company, and Wired, where he writes a monthly column on the impact of technology on society. His work has been widely anthologized, and in 2002 he was a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT.
Judge’s Consultant
Michael Davidson
Director, Optical and Magneto-Optical Imaging Center at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Florida State University

Michael Davidson is the director of the Optical and Magneto-Optical Imaging Center at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Florida State University. Involved with various aspects of microscopy for over 25 years, Davidson’s scientific interests include the packaging of DNA into virus heads, liquid crystallinity in biological systems and the adsorption of small liquid crystal molecules onto surfaces.
Davidson has authored many scientific articles on the subject of photomicrography and his photomicrographs have been published in more than a thousand national and international scientific journals, popular magazines and newspapers. In addition, Davidson’s photomicrography has won more than 40 awards in scientific and industrial photography competitions and has been exhibited at over 50 locations nationwide. He is also the expert behind the Nikon Instruments educational Web site MicroscopyU (which also can be accessed through the Nikon Instruments website) and his own Molecular Expressions website.